OOPSLA Workshop

J2EE vs .NET


November 4-8, 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA


Theme and Goals:


The theme of this workshop is comparing and contrasting J2EE™ (Sun Microsystems) and .NET™ (Microsoft) platforms. The goal is to identify architectural differences, performance, productivity, maintenance issues between the two platforms, as well as providing a means to determine which platform is more suitable for what kind of applications. This would be very valuable for project managers, technical leaders, architects and even CEOs/CIOs, to be able to choose the right platform for their projects or their companies. Please refer to activities for a description of Pre-Workshop Activities, Workshop Format, and Post-Workshop Activities. For more information, comments or paper submission, please submit your comments or papers to one of the following committee member’s e-mail address.



Organizing Committee:


This workshop is being organized by several practitioners, including the following:


Chair:                Saeid Tehrani, Consultant-Architect

Electronic Data Systems

EDS Digital Enablement, Troy, Michigan



Co-chair:           Ali Arsanjani

Senior I/T Architect, IBM



Stephen Jacobs, Consultant-Specialist

Electronic Data Systems

EDS Digital Enablement, Troy, Michigan



Stuart McAlpin, Consultant-Specialist

Electronic Data Systems

EDS Digital Enablement, Troy, Michigan





In the IT industry, innovation happens everyday. This causes challenges for architects, developers, project managers, CIOs and CEOs to constantly learn and evaluate solutions for their projects and their companies.


On one hand, Java has been one of the most successful, innovative and evolving languages/frameworks for the past few years. Many large mainframe applications have been ported to Java. Java started with the slogan of “write once and deploy it many (platforms),” with platforms as small as smartcards, thin and thick clients to large mainframe installations. Nonetheless, Java (J2EE) has become one of the most successful frameworks for the web/application servers.


On the other hand, a new framework called .net has emerged from Microsoft, which has many features of J2EE and will be one of the larges competitors of J2EE. Although both frameworks stand on a foundation of programming languages, object models and virtual machines, they are strikingly different when considering the design goals of their runtime environment. The choice of the two dominating platforms will be a hot topic of discussion for the next few years to come.