OOPSLA Workshop

J2EE vs .NET


November 4-8, 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA



Organizing Committee:


Saeid Tehrani has over 22 years of professional experience in Information Technology industry, Engineering, Medical and Manufacturing software development. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Vision from the University of Michigan and is the recipient of GM trade secret award in Design for Manufacturing software. He has enterprise wide technical leadership and mentoring experience with extensive background in training Object Oriented (OO) Concepts, Modeling, Languages, GUI, Database, Enterprise Solutions and other related advanced topics. He is an expert in OO and Internet technologies and has experience in Artificial Intelligence, Business Intelligence, Data Visualization, Data Mining, Data Warehousing and other data manipulation and data analysis concepts.


Ali Arsanjani has over 18 years industry experience and is a Senior I/T Architect for IBM National E-business Application Development Center of Competency, where he leads the Component-based Development and Integration Competency. He has been architecting n-tier e-business systems based on object and component technology for IBM’s larger clients. His areas of experience and research include best-practices for component-based development, patterns for business rules modeling and implementation, creation and evolution of reusable assets, extending methods for CBD, building business frameworks and incorporating patterns and pattern languages to build resilient and stable software architectures.


Stephen Jacobs has over 20 years experience in the Information Technology industry.  He has developed and maintained applications on many platforms, including mainframe, mini-computers, Client-Server, and the Internet.  These applications range in domains from Personnel, Compensation, and Employee Benefits to Automotive Retail.  In the last 7 years he has concentrated on object technology as a means of developing more robust and maintainable applications.


Stuart McAlpin has over 16 years experience in Information Technology and has been specializing in Technical Architecture for web-based and distributed object systems for the last five years.  He has performed as architecture and design lead for J2EE, Java, CORBA, and ASP/COM based systems in the engineering and financial domains.  He has previous experiences as a systems engineer for manufacturing applications and as a knowledge engineer.