OOPSLA Workshop

J2EE vs .NET


November 4-8, 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA



Pre-Workshop Activities:


Participants can submit for discussion, ideas, architectures and frameworks that have worked for them, ideas they believe can work, or specific related challenges they face.  This input will be posted on a public website so all participants can review the material prior to the conference, and come with ideas to share.  The website will also be updated with summaries of the discussions, final papers, and organized recommendations that participants can download.


Workshop Format:


This workshop will start of with an introduction to each platform, advantages and disadvantages, benchmarks, and obstacles for applying each one followed by an invitation for open, informal discussion of ideas to better apply these techniques.  At this point, the workshop will be open to participants to begin discussions of their challenges, solutions including ideas for improving the technologies in the future and maybe how to make them more interoperable and seamless.


Post-Workshop Activities:


At the conclusion of the workshop, the organizers will gather all the information discussed, summarize it, and post the information on the website.  This will include all final papers submitted and accepted for the workshop, as well as details of the challenges people have run into when using these platforms, and recommendations for solving these so the participants, and the industry, can begin to benefit by choosing the right platform in more efficient ways.